4 Steps for Corporate Success in a Virtual Work Environment

Srishti Jha
3 min readFeb 15, 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic forever changed the way we work. Working virtually is becoming the new normal, and it is more important than ever to get acclimated to forming connections virtually. Although starting my first full-time job in a virtual work-from-home environment was challenging, I uncovered a few tactics that make it easier to succeed and stand out.

Step 1: Create a lasting first impression.

First impressions matter and that is a fact. In a virtual work environment, first impressions are formed based on what you wear (from the waist up), the way you communicate, and manage your tasks. Turning the camera on during meetings during the first couple months is a great way to increase your visibility and strengthen connections with coworkers. Reaching out to members of the team is another great way to demonstrate proactiveness and enthusiasm about the role. Keeping this up for the first 90 days is highly recommended to create a long lasting first impression.

Step 2: Be available at all times during work hours.

Being online during work hours is absolutely essential to convey that you are actively working from home. This means that it is vital to proactively respond to messages, emails, and calls promptly. As a new hire, it may be a good idea to start your day 30 minutes earlier than the rest of the team to explore available resources and plan for the day.

Step 3: Join a professional network or initiative at your firm.

Joining a professional network or initiative is the best way to increase your visibility in the firm and meet more people, especially if you are a new hire. It is also a great avenue to find a potential mentor that advocates for you and pushes you to be your best self. Instead of being a passive member, try to become an active member by organizing sessions or contributing new ideas. If you want to take it to the next level, getting involved in a strategy initiative, such as an organizational transformation project, is an excellent way to build your skillset and gain greater visibility from leadership.

Step 4: Take on more tasks and greater responsibilities.

Doing as much as possible, especially operational nuts and bolts roles, is the best way to develop a deep understanding of the business and create a foundation for success. Try to take on stretch assignments that emphasize operational intensive roles instead of comfortable qualitative roles. Raise your hand when any opportunity arises to convey enthusiasm and ambition. If opportunities don’t naturally come your way, go out and find them by asking coworkers about the work they are involved in, or better year create them yourselves. Go the extra mile to implement your manager’s vision and deliver results. While it is important to work closely with your manager, it is crucial to develop the ability to operate independently as well.

The foundation for success is laid out in the first half of your career. By implementing these four steps, you will surely seamlessly acclimate to working virtually and be a step ahead for greater success.



Srishti Jha

Financial Services Consultant @ Ernst & Young Business & Lifestyle Blogger: www.therishlife.com